School Furniture 4 Less ships products from distribution centers, strategically located throughout the United States, to destinations all across the 48 contiguous states, Many products are in stock and ship within 1 day. Some products are shipped directly from the manufacturer, which can require additional processing time. Please call us for additional shipping details concerning Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Canada.
When your order ships, we'll send an email with a link to track your order. It may take up to 24 hours for your tracking information to become available to view. If you do not receive tracking information, please contact us to check the status of your order. Your order is securely packaged to arrive undamaged and complete. After your order ships, the transit company (FedEx, UPS or a freight carrier) is responsible for the safe and timely delivery of your products. For this reason, School Furniture 4 Less cannot guarantee delivery dates or times.
IMPORTANT - Please read all the way to the end!
Delivery by Freight Carrier
Please arrange to be present when the Freight Carrier delivers your order. If you cannot be there, recruit another adult (18 or older) who will handle your freight delivery for you. Freight shipments will NOT be left at your door without a customer signature. You will be responsible for getting your order off the truck (within 15 minutes) and inside your delivery location without any assistance from the delivery driver. If it is a large shipment (heavy and/or many items), plan to have enough people at the delivery location who can easily lift and carry your items. Have tools handy to open boxes or remove packaging materials and your camera/phone ready to take pictures. If you don’t have a loading dock, a forklift or sufficient staff/assistance available, you may need to purchase additional freight services. When Your Order Arrives Damages/Shortages
School Furniture 4 Less requires notification of damages due to shipping within 10 days (LTL) and 5 days (small parcel) of delivery. DO NOT REFUSE SHIPMENT DUE TO POTENTIAL DAMAGES. All damages must be notated on the delivery receipt as “Damaged” or “SHORTAGE” with quantity if applicable. Failure to notate damages/shortages/abnormalities on the delivery receipt voids ALL potential future claims. If the delivery driver refuses inspection of shipment, notate “DRIVER REFUSED INSPECTION” on the delivery receipt before signing. If the customer waits longer than the required time to report damages/shortages, School Furniture 4 Less is not responsible for damages or incorrect shipments. Please contact our customer service at 1-855-307-3877 or email to report damages/shortages or abnormalities within the required time frame and include pictures and quantity of the damaged merchandise.
Defective Products
Please refer to our limited warranty policy for details on defective products. Our limited warranty policy is found on the Warranty page.